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Office Admin


Office Admin Automation

How Office Admin Automation Works

For many businesses, office admin tasks can often be left as a daunting to do list that never gets done. Instead of leaving the to-do list on the side of your desk, can you automate those tasks?

The answer is yes. Our technology toolkit can be used to automate a whole host of different office administration tasks. This could be anything from data entry, email management, scheduling and calendar management, to report generation and distribution, financial reconciliation or uploading/downloading information from websites and portals.

So why would you use a digital worker, otherwise known as robotic process automation (RPA), to automate these tasks. Well digital workers can carry out different tasks 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They never take holidays, and they never get sick.

Removing this administrative burden from your colleagues, can also improve their work life. Whilst the robot works its way through a list of monotonous boring tasks, their physical colleagues can focus their time and efforts on areas they can add value and that they enjoy. Everyone’s a winner.

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Automation for Office Admin

Data Entry

Data entry can often be a monotonous and repetitive task. Rekeying data from system to system or document to document is a perfect candidate for intelligent automation.

This can often involve a combination of intelligent document processing to extract data from documents and then robotic process automation (RPA) to key the information into systems. Whatever the data entry task, if it’s repetitive and time consuming, we can probably help.

Document Management Solution

Email Management

Whether it’s sorting, filing, processing or responding, automation can help with your email management.

Our solutions can monitor inboxes, use natural language processing to interpret text from emails and attached documents and can then help process those documents.

Whether sending a predefined response or processing a sales order , we’ll work with you and then provide a solution that delivers you your desired outcomes.

Document Management Solution


Often the scheduling of people and resources can be time consuming and time critical. If it’s rule based, then intelligent automation can probably help. The best thing is, you don’t have to wait for the team to come into the office to schedule a busy day.

Our software robots work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That means you can come into the office and find the scheduling has all been done for you ready for you to check and approve if necessary.

Document Management Solution

Report Generation

Compiling multiple pieces of information from multiple sources can be time consuming and prone to error.

A lot of the time businesses do not even bother which means they are making business critical decisions without access to the full picture.

RPA and dashboarding can be used to consolidate multiple data sources and provide you with up-to-date information any time you need it.

Document Management Solution

Financial Reconciliation

With debits and credits coming into businesses multiple times a day, often reconciling this information can take time and is often not done correctly resulting in lost revenue.

Our automation solutions can reconcile multiple sources of data quickly and accurately presenting you only with the exceptions to investigate. Saving time and making sure your accounts add up each month.

Document Management Solution

Uploading Information

More and more businesses are having to use online portals to download and upload information.

This can be a perfect candidate for intelligent automation as our software ‘robots’ can often interact with these portals easily and effectively, saving you time and resource on a daily basis.

Document Management Solution

FAQ on Office Admin Automation

Can robotic process automation be used to carry out different tasks in the same day?

Yes, one digital worker, or robot, can be used to carry out lots of different routine tasks. They could kick into action at 4am and work on reconciling financial data from the night before. At 6am they could switch tasks to scheduling people and tasks for the day ahead. At 9am they could download information from a portal and email that out to multiple stakeholders. With digital workers the opportunities are endless.

The simple answer is yes digital workers can read documents. Digital workers can use intelligent document processing (IDP) technology to ‘read’ and extract information from documents. Once it’s extracted that data can be communicated around an organisation by the robot or inputted into different systems.

For many people robotic process automation (RPA) is a new technology. However, it’s been around in different forms for decades. For many years RPA was used mainly by large enterprise scale organisations. However, in recent years the technology has become far more accessible for all.

Today, small and medium sized organisations are finding that investing in robotic process automation to handle their office administrative tasks allows them to keep their operations lean and efficient and gives them an advantage over many of their competitors.